A lot of people don’t realize this, but in LA, the population is aging at an alarming rate.
The older population is expected to grow quite dramatically over the course of the next few years.
In fact, In Los Angeles County alone, the number of adults ages 65 and older is expected to nearly double to a whopping 2.1 million by the year 2030.
Currently, there are about half a million residents who are 60 years of age or older living in the city of LA—and that number is also expected to increase by 50% over the next 20 years.
Aging populations mean a number of things.
This changes not only the economic landscape of the city and state, but also how the government needs to think about things like healthcare and benefits/resources for the elderly.
It also causes supply and demand changes for the local economy. Certain types of businesses will tend to flourish with an aging population, while the demand for other types of businesses may tend to decrease as the age of the population increases.
LA is definitely looking at a situation where they are going to need to start looking at some solutions to a growing number of challenges.
But what exactly are those changes going to be?
This is a great question.
Let’s dig a bit more into it.
1. The City Will Need To Factor In More Impaired Physical Mobility Among Residents
As people age, their mobility becomes a bit more impaired.
And a city as big as LA definitely needs to take this into account as they prepare for a sudden boom in their 65+ aged population.
See, it’s important for everyone to be able to get around.
Older people need to be able to get from place to place, access healthcare, find reliable transportation options, shop, spend money, and just in-general live, despite the fact that their mobility will eventually become impaired.
And it sounds like LA is up to the task and the challenge of this endeavor.
In a statement released by Mayor Eric Garcetti, he had this to say about the issue:
“Everyone in our dynamic and diverse city contributes to making Los Angeles an incredible place to live, work, and raise a family… That’s why today, we commit ourselves to better understanding and meeting the needs of older Angelenos — a growing population that deserves our attention and respect. I have directed our Departments to explicitly consider older Angelenos as they develop their policies and programs. That means we are now increasingly factoring in impaired physical mobility and diminished sensory awareness, as well as accounting for economic limitations. The City of Los Angeles stands united, as we work to create an environment where people of all ages can thrive.”
And of course, this brings up another important issue—one of economic limitations.
2. The City Of LA Is Aware Of The Economic Impact Of An Aging Population
Here’s the thing about people who are in retirement.
- For the most part, they’re living on a fixed income.
- Either they can afford to stay in LA—or they won’t be able to.
- And they’re going to do what they need to do to survive and live affordably.
- Therefore, it’s in the city’s best interest to take note of this—and to take measures to try to curb some of the rising costs of living that are plaguing the city’s statistics.
- Everyone knows that LA is an expensive place to live. But if this problem gets any worse—well, it could cause retired baby boomers to leave the city (and maybe the state) in droves.
- And this wouldn’t be good for the future of LA.
3. Aging Baby Boomers Will Need Access To Quality Life Care
Life care services like assisted living facilities and hospice will become more important than ever as baby boomers retire and surpass that 65 year old age marker.
Generation Hospice Care describes the importance of hospice as follows:
“Hospice care isn’t just for the terminally ill patient. It is for anyone needing comfort and support at recovery stages. The idea of hospice care has been around for centuries, but today’s modern technology, coupled with a multifaceted approach that includes skilled professionals, crisis care, family support and transitional support provides a full spectrum of services for loved ones and their families.”
LA will need to make sure that they’re providing an ecosystem that will allow companies like Generation Hospice Care (and other life care providers) to flourish as the economic and age demographic landscape changes in the city.
All of these things are important–and they all matter.
Hopefully, this post has helped you to understand the situation with LA’s aging community, and some potential solutions and help that could possibly be looming on the horizon.
There could be a very bright future for the citizens of Los Angeles. Let’s hope that the state (and the city) make the right moves to help care for this emerging, aging population so that they can take care of them and continue to provide an environment that’s conducive to a quality standard of life.
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